We wanted to let you know that we’ve made a change to your email/Teams account at the Apostolics of Salem.

What’s changed?
We’ve updated everyone’s church accounts to use “name@aos.church” instead of the older “name@acsalem.org”.

OLD account = sammy@acsalem.org
NEW account = sammy@aos.church

The cool thing – you will still use the same password you used with the old account name. No change there (unless you need it changed).

Why the change?
We will be working this year to unify our branding and simplify our communications – this is the first step, and it will make us all only remember one key web address/email account: AOS.church.

And this matters to me because…?
Well, if you got here because of the Breeze notice that went out, you have an email-enabled account that we will be using for church communications going forward. This will change the account ID that you use to log in to Teams, your email, and most other church staff/admin functions.

Wait – I have another email?! How do I access that?
On the web, you can log in to https://outlook.office.com/mail/ – on your phone, you can set up your email app of choice (we recommend the Outlook app) using the new address. This is your primary email that we will be using for all AOS staff/administration purposes.

So are you deleting my old account access?
Eventually (in a month or two), but not yet. That means that both account names will work for you for a brief period of time (to help out the stragglers). But it is strongly recommended to log out of Teams and your email (if configured already) and log back in using your new aos.church account name.

OK; I can do that. This is exciting! What other resources do I have access to, besides email?
Many of you have already accessed and been using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Forms, and many of the other apps in our Microsoft Office Online subscription. Reach out to pHil Rittenhouse if you would like a tour of all the great digital communication tools available to us here at AOS.

I have a question that’s not listed here…
Please reach out to pHil Rittenhouse, and we’ll get it sorted ASAP.