What Does It Mean To Be Apostolic?

To put it simply, to be apostolic is to be like the Apostles.

The term "Apostles" refers the first-century church leaders whose lives and ministries were recorded in the New Testament Book of Acts. In Acts, certain attributes were used to describe the first-century church and its leaders. If a characteristic, quality, or attitude defined the early church, we want the same to be present and active in our church.


We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another.


We strive to glorify God through worship that is rooted in scripture, and that draws us closer to Him.


We are called to serve our community and those in need, through both physical and spiritual acts of love and kindness.


We seek to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all people, and to share the gospel through both deed and word.


We prioritize the practice of discipling others in the faith, helping them to grow in their understanding of the Bible and their relationship with God.


We strive to be wise stewards of the resources God has given us, using them to meet the needs of the church and community.


We seek to foster unity in diversity, standing together as a church family united in our purpose of sharing God’s love.


We strive to be a holy people, living in obedience to God’s Word and in surrender to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.


We seek to fulfill the Great Commission, making disciples of Jesus Christ in our region and beyond.

Our Beliefs

We take the Word of God as it is, at face value. That means we do not add to or subtract from the Word, but accept what is written as the unchanging, always-relevant message of God.

  • The Bible

    We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God (II Timothy 3:16).

  • Jesus

    We believe that there is one true and living God (Ephesians 4:5; Deuteronomy 6:4), whose name is Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9).

  • Salvation

    We believe that God’s plan for salvation as recorded in the New Testament is still the plan for His people today: repentance, water baptism, and being filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37-39; 8:16; 19:5).

  • Evidence

    We believe that the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues (Acts 10:45-46).